Update 18th October 2019

18th October Update This week I have continued to work on my title, putting aside research in order to figure out what next for my title in an effort to get something playable, ready for Play-testing around the end of October: In doing so, I have come up with 4 things I would like to get in the game, before that time. These are Looting (Corpses and Containers), Trading, Combat and Items to make the majority of my skill trees usable. Firstly, in order to get looting in place, I must figure out how to use my current inventory system and modify it, allowing corpses and containers to have loot assigned to them randomly. This will mean the player opens an inventory similar to their own, moving items between the container and their player easily. To implement trading, I will again use a modified version of my inventory, with players using currency to unlock the ability to move the items in the store to their inventory. If this isn't possible during that time frame then Id at ...