New Answer to Character Connection Question
A different take to my Question
So after speaking to Josh on Friday, we discussed the creation of a game which would allow the player to connect emotionally with a pair of characters, who rely on each other in a literal sense, without player progression in a customisable sense. We dicussed games such as the Last of Us and Brothers, both of which use a pair of characters with different traits and abilities, who connect to each other and the player on an emotional level. There is a sense with these games that you are a part of their story, despite sculpting the type of character they are. Whilst I think this is a great idea, Im worried that I will lose interest in this idea quickly, due to it not being the type of story and connection I find interesting. This has been yet again proven to me, as I have recently gotten my hands on the Last of Us remastered and have instantly found myself skipping the story in order to get into the action and what little customisation there is quicker.
Original Question:
Does a player's connection to a character change depending on the viewpoint of the game?
New solution:
One of my original ideas was to make a game in which the player sculpted the skills and characteristics of their character, with skill trees and customisation. Played from an isometric viewpoint, the game would challenge a player to have a connection with their character, with the threat of forever losing the character during the game. My worries for this, was that I wasnt confident in working with 3D assets, as I was unsure where to begin with customisation mechanics using 3D assets.
However, I have a great love of certain pixel art games (Rimworld and Terraria) which allow player customisation and the development of skills and opportunities for exciting and different solutions to every problem. That being said, I think using pixel art will allow me to follow through on my project without needing to worry about the implementation of systems using 3D assets. There will still be a learning curve, but this will be much smaller and with much less complication I can allow the player to have complete control over not only their appearance, but also their personality and playstyle. Using action or stealth will be a viable option for the player, but they could also use charisma and literal means of getting their way. For example, the player approaches a gate guarded by armed soldiers. They could fight their way through or find another route in order to sneak past. But the player can also be given other options. For example (in an almost Hitman-esque way), the player could speak to the guards and convey a false identity to trick their way through, or return when they have legitimate papers so that they can go through without issue. All of these options will have consequences. If they attack, they risk injury or the sounding of an alarm. If they sneak, then they will have to continue doing so or become a target. If they trick their way in, then their trick may be realised instantly or later on, again making them a target. Lastly, if they find legitimate means to pass, they will have free passage through the remaining mission.
Not only will the player have control of their appearance and personality, but also their weapons, their accessories and possibly even their enhancements? Bionic upgrades and such, making them progress meaningfully and in light of their own decisions, giving the player the feeling that their character is a full extension of themselves. Will they go out to stop those who hurt others, or compete with them?
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