Intro blog
Introductory Blog
I'm Matthew Forshaw, a student from Manchester with aspirations to be a part of a team at a Triple A games developer, the likes of DICE or Bethesda being the ultimate dream.
Previous experience and skills I bring to the table
- I've just completed my Undergraduate Degree in Games Design at UCLAN.
- I'd say Im fairly confident at 3D modelling, however I know there is much improvement to go.
- Im a confident drawer, although I sometimes have artist block.
- I have competent experience with Photoshop, Maya and Unreal Engine, as well as development for Virtual Reality (Although I'm trying to avoid it going forward).
- I have a little experience with Substance and Z-Brush, however I will need to learn more of the basics to use it confidently.
- I'm willing to learn other software, such as Blender if necessary for my chosen discipline, as well as new disciplines, such as Pixel Art.
Areas of Interest
- I'm interested in 3D modelling and UE4 development
- From previous experience, if I were to choose 3D modelling, I would like to come up with a comprehensive theme for a set of assets and model them in a variety of ways and themes, in order to provide evidence of my ability to mix genres and model competently. Id also stray away from High Poly assets, as in the past I've had issues which have severely lowered my confidence and work ethic.
- If choosing UE4 development, Id like to work on a small scale, possibly a mobile or console game which can be readily accessed. Although developing for VR was an interesting and unique challenge, there isn't much support for the process and it requires much more time for play testing, as not everyone has the specifications required to use the hardware
Outside of Games Design, Im an active follower of Marvel comics, in particular the cinematic universe. Spider-man has been and continues to be the favourite (Understandably I'm quite annoyed at recent breakdowns between Sony and Disney).
Im a gamer at heart, with PlayStation and PC gaming making up my core experiences. The creators at DICE and Bethesda have captured the longest amount of my time and concentration, with the Battlefield and Elder Scrolls series making up a lot of my gaming experience.
I'm not very interested in Sport, however I did once upon a time rock climb and I do support Manchester United (another source of frustration in my life).
MA Initial Ideas
I've had a couple ideas since ending my undergraduate course, although I haven't developed them much, under fear I will again make them too expansive before I think about my ability, time frame and final product. That being said, here's a brief layout of what I've been thinking:
- A series of low poly assets, a pack of industrial assets for example, showcasing my ability to model across genres. So to expand my example, I would have perhaps 10 low poly models, textured and designed in 3 genres/art-styles, which can be used in 3 different genre of design. This would leave me with a 30 model asset pack, with each variant of each of the 10 models slightly different.
- A playable experience in an isometric view, low poly game with a blend of stealth and action gameplay. Possibly real time strategy with a blend of turn based elements. One such example of a mechanic I had in mind is the ability to plan an attack whilst undetected, but to finish the attack in real time with complete control of the character. This could theoretically blend the above idea of an asset pack, providing not only a playable experience but also a pack of the assets I have created and used to make the experience.
Whatever I end up deciding to do, I want to ensure before I begin that the project is not only possible to complete, but also prioritises quality over quantity. I'm looking at prioritising Low Poly modelling, rather than high poly realistic models. This will allow me to create better quality models in my own style and push me to create quality I can call my own.
If I choose to work on Idea 2, I would make sure to create a game that blends its action with a currently 'Hot topic' allowing me to explore the possibilities of an idea that is current and relateable.
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